Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2013

Photos from project one and two

It shows one of the stairwells at AHS. There you can see lots of different types of lines, which makes the picture just interesting.

This is a tree, which is growing in the breezeway. It shows texture and the leafs in the front are more focused then the leafs in the background because I wanted the focus in the middle of the picture, where you can see the texture of the picture.

This still life Shows three different kinds of boxes or vases. In combination with the window at the Background I wanted to create a natural, but interesting picture
At this picture I wanted to Show what most of the People are doing during the colf fall and/ or winter time: cooking. So the leafs at the Background should give you the idea of fall.

Dienstag, 22. Oktober 2013


1. What have I found to be easier the second time around?
For me it was to develop our negatives. It felt like everything is going fasster and the first time i did this, I was so unsure. But the second time I knew what to do and it made lots of fun.

2.What trouble am I still having?
I have still Trouble with roling the film. If that doesn't work, the negatives could look so bad. The second time around I did some mistakes there, so not all my negatives were shown.

3.How is lightning in my images? Did I pay close Attention to my light meter every time?
I must say, no I didn't pay attention to this every time, sometimes I just forgot. But next time I'll work on that.

4. How crisp and clear are my images? Did I  adjust my shutter speed and aperture accordingly?
Some of my pictures are very clear and some don't. I think it is, because I changed my focus a lot or/ and used the wrong shutter speed. But I always checked both of them ( shutter speed and aperture) maybe I have just picked up the wrong ones?