Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2014

Dark room- Double Exposure

How did I create this image?
I exposed my background first, which is the shadow of the tree.  Then I put my exposed sheet in my drawer and put the second negative into the enlarger. After the teststrips I pulled out the exposed sheet and exposed it again. This time with the other negative and then I developed it and this great contrast was created.
Do I like how it came out? 
Yes, I like it for sure. The contrast between the branches and the girl with the dog looks so great and it created an very interesting picture.
Where is my focal point in this picture?
I'd say it is the shadow of the tree/ the trunk of it. It is the darkest point in the whole picture.

Close up & Reflections


How did I capture reflection?
 It's reflecting in the window

Did I get any unexpected image in my picture?
I didn't even see it's also reflecting on the top and in the object itself. When I took the picture I only saw the reflection to the left, the other ones I noticed when I was working with the picture in photoshop.

Did I have any trouble getting a close up image?
No, I didn't have any problems.
Is my background blurry or in focus?
It is blurry.
What do I like best about close up photos?
That I can see so many details of one object.

Mittwoch, 30. April 2014

Photoshop: Background change & blemish


 It was definitely helpful to know how to blemish. Now I could change my pictures if I don't like a blemish on it. But still... I don't think I'll use it much because people should be proud of how they look like and shouldn't change it on pictures. But yes, it was interesting.

I like that it looks real, There could really be a building in front of a mountain. Sometimes it was hard to get clear borders/lines because my tool I used just did whatever it wanted. I didn't like that.

Montag, 28. April 2014


I tried to catch buildings or details from buildings with an interesting pattern. I was successful because I've already found some at school and didn't even had to take some at home.
I wanted to create an interesting picture. At my picture the bench and its shadow is leading through the picture in a little curve. I really like it.

Montag, 14. April 2014

A#11 Point of view; A#12 Pets

I put the brush next to the sink ( that's the sparkle in the background) I wanted it horizontal and at the same high as the sink, so I had kneel down to take a picture straight through the brush. So I'd think my angel was the ant's angle, so basically I put my camera on the ground to take the picture.

Actually, it was not easy to take a picture of my pet because it was always moving and wanted to do something more exciting than "posing for my camera". It was luck to get him licking his nose. It is a different picture. He is not just sitting around, it makes it more interesting. I also payed attention to the rule of thirds, the dog is not in the middle of the picture which makes it even more interesting.

Dienstag, 25. März 2014


I chose the picture because it has an interesting lighting. I used background lighting, which means The light is behind the fruit. It makes the fruit "turn" black but on the corners caught a little bit of the light. That's what it makes it interesting- looking. 


My shutter speed was at 1/60 an yes, it is a panning picture. I followed the basketball with my camera, so that the basketball is in focus and the people are blurry.